Participant Contact Information

Registration Information

Your registration includes:
Admission to all Sessions
All Conference Materials & a T-Shirt

  • I would like to try out for the WORLD'S GOT TALENT show at the conference.

  • I do not want to perform.

  • I would like to represent my country by having an information table at the GLOBAL FESTIVAL. This includes having things about your country at the table like music, giveaways, information, candy, and any other items that show what your country is like. Please DO NOT plan to include prepared food.

  • I do not want to set up an information table.


Emergency Contact Info

Terms and Agreements

You understand that after you register, you will receive by email a medical release form and other agreements from both the Kentucky Baptist Convention to sign in order to attend Connect. These must be signed and brought with you in order to attend. If you are under the age of 18, a parent or guardian must sign these forms. If you do not receive them, request them by emailing [email protected]

All registrations are final. The registration fee is non-refundable.
I hereby grant permission to Kentucky Baptist Convention and Kentucky Baptist Campus Ministry to use photographs and/or video of me taken on November 1-2, 2024 at CONNECT'24 in publications, news releases, online, and in other communications related to the mission of Kentucky Baptist Convention and Kentucky Baptist Campus Ministry.

RegFox Event Registration Software